
About Me


My name is Dawn (or Dandy or Mommy, depending on who you are)
 and I live in lovely, sunny Orange County, CA. 


I married my husband B, in December 2009 and we were pregnant with Peanut 59 days later.

Peanut was both planned AND a total and complete surprise, which you can read about here.

I'm one of those people who enjoyed every single moment of being pregnant... 
in a possibly annoying way.

On Halloween 2010 Peanut arrived at 6:12 pm.
He has been running our lives ever since.


B & I love each other very, very much but not nearly as much as we love food. 

I kid, I kid.  I am sure we love each other much more than we love most food. 

We met many years ago while B was cooking and I was managing for the same restaurant.

Our love of good food (from sidewalk stands to five star fine dining) runs deep.

We hope to share our love of food with the Peanut... or at the very least, expose him to a variety of foods in the hopes that he'll be open-minded and receptive to different foods.  

It's is because of this passion of ours that it is most likely he will be the world's pickiest eater.    

We had been looking forward to introducing him to the wonderful world of solids and we wanted those solids to taste good and thus Dandy Baby was born.

On this site I'll share recipes if you feel so inclined to make some of your own baby food.  
I mean, you don't have to... I'm not saying kids that eat commercial food turn into little monsters.  Actually, my own little Peanut eats some commercial foods.

On second thought, maybe they do turn into monsters.

You can find out even more about me, the places I've been, the restaurants we go to and my life as a wife and mother over at my other blog Spontaneous Clapping or on the FAQ page!